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2018-1-17 11:16:23 浏览:43次

好不好颗粒自己会说话,Good dog food they will speak, processing of particle, nutrition, high-end formula, scientific machining process to ensure food appearance, nutrition loss, machine uses the most advanced processing technology, raw materials to maximize the maintain a comprehensive nutrition. 中国最有前景的行业,宠物食品加工生产,需求量大,中国有注册的狗有3亿条,更多的没有注册,在中国狗的数量不比人少,北京上海等地一线城市,月销狗粮2000吨以上,要加工狗粮,请选用金诺狗粮机,中国最大最好的狗粮设备生产厂家。

Harbin Jinnuo pet food machinery manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in the production of machine dog food, dog food equipment business is the old industrial base of the northeast, machinery and equipment exports to dozens of countries, processing of dog food, cat food, fine particles, full.

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