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2018-2-27 19:10:55 浏览:24次

除气作用 脱水作用 膨胀作用 胶凝作用 研磨作用 均化作用 中国好狗粮设备,中国金诺机械,公司座落于哈尔滨阿城区,有三十多年的饲料机械加工经验,好配方好机械,专业的加工生产狗粮,猫粮,鸟粮等。
China's good food equipment, China Jinnuo machinery, the company is located in Harbin Acheng, thirty years of feed machinery processing experience, good recipe machinery, professional production and processing of dog food, cat food, bird grain, and so on. Dozens of machinery exports, professional technology, by the user's praise. 中国金诺机械告诉大家,狗粮销量大,比如上海,天津,北京,河南郑州等地,每个月的狗粮销量都在2000吨左右,狗粮,猫粮是朝阳行业,机械设备销往几十个国家,中国的宠物在不断的增加,为这一行业的发展打下了见识的基础。
China Jinnuo machinery tell everybody, dog food sales, such as Shanghai, Tianjin, Beijing, Zhengzhou and other places, each month of food sales are at around 2000 tons, dog food, cat food is a sunrise industry, machinery and equipment are sold to dozens of countries,

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